Sunday, September 26, 2004

New broom, sweep clean

I've been blogging for a while over at pandoras-blog, spilling my thoughts and poetry and other such nonsense out at the unsuspecting world. Over time though, my blogging desires have become broader - and it seems logical to maybe give each group of thoughts a home. Go on, sue me, I'm a librarian. I love to classify things. Consider this Pandora's blog 004.67. / TS / 02, whatever. And hopefully this will mean I don't bore the people who go to pandoras-blog for the poetry to tears by blithering on about knowledge management, thesauri and taxonomies.

Anyway, my plan for this little baby is to use it to explore some of the library /work related themes that bother my cerebral cortex along the way. I hope to provide some useful links and resources. I should specify that I currently work in a government health library, so the stuff I come up with may have a little bit of a bent in that direction. However I'm also interested in people management, and hope to say a bit about that too.

Maybe it'll work out, maybe it won't. Lets see shall we?


Blogger poet said...

will check back to see if youve added content. might have to check out rss feeds: but the ones ive seen are pretty clunky

10:52 am  

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