Monday, October 11, 2004

The naked librarian

Can't find a link to the story sadly (in the few minutes I have available to me for hunting around anyhoo) but there was an amusing little snippet in the Metro this morning. A librarian in India is refusing to come to work fully clothed until they make him a permanent member of staff. The chap, who has worked for the library for 12 years, is going to work dressed only in underpants and a slipper. Marvellous. Ex-colleagues of mine would have possibly tried the same tactic after having their casual contracts extended for month after month. But the weather in Leeds is not as condusive to nakedness as perhaps is that in India.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

I'm sorry Officer Librarian, I didn't realise it was overdue

Now, in principle I think this is a pretty good idea - the more services that can be offered from public libraries the better - but I wonder if the Library will receive sufficient monies from the council / police to be able to do this, and their other duties adequately...